" A righteous man is cautious in friendship" Proverbs 12:26
Don't you just love the Proverbs? It is full of such practical wisdom that we all need.
When we are kids our parents tell us to make friends with other children who are going to be good influences on us. Every parent should know who their children's friends are because hanging out with the wrong crowd can lead to trouble. Parents are there to help their children with friends but who is there to help adults with friends?
The best resource I can think of for a Christian is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead us in knowing which relationships we should cultivate and which ones we should let go. Jesus was friends with all types of people living in sin. However, Jesus led them away from their sin into a life of righteousness. If we are friends with people who are struggling with sin we need to make sure that we are leading them into righteousness and that they are not leading us into sin.
Making decisions about questionable friends seems like a delicate balance, but what's good for us is that God masters delicate balances.
Good advice!