"And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke 9:23
Our three-year-old son has a corner in his room where he plays with cars and blocks. It is his little space to go play and have some quiet time. A few weeks ago he came running up to me and he kept telling me to come see his cross. After he told me over and over a few times to "Come see my cross!" I finally walked in his room, and I was speechless. My son had made a cross completely out of Legos on his own.
There was something very special and powerful about the joy and pride Luke had in the cross he made. We see crosses used for decoration all the time. I have a few in our home. But the cross Luke made wasn't for decoration. He made it because the cross is special to him because of Jesus!
Luke's cross made me think about taking up our cross daily. Its not easy! We don't do it because its fun. We take up our cross daily because we love Jesus and are thankful for the sacrifice He made for us.
The next time you see a cross, thank Jesus and make sure you are carrying your own.
(Oh, you know I took pictures!!!!)
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