Everyone loves a Happy Meal. My kids love a Happy Meal. I can't decide if its the cheeseburger, fries, toy, or a combination of all three that makes them the happiest.
However, I am thinking there are lots of people out there eating some "Un-Happy Meals." I think that I have eaten quite a few of them myself at times. Maybe the "Un-Happy Meals" would explain why so many people are whining and complaining.
Are you familiar with what murmuring is? To murmur means, "a half-suppressed, or muttered complaint: grumbling" (Meriam-Webster, 2011).
Here's my thinking on our problem with murmuring: If we are murmuring, there has to be some reason we are unhappy. What is it in our lives that is creating so much unhappiness and causing us to sin through murmuring? Aha! --- Life's Circumstances. There we have it, life's circumstances are the problem because they are often stinky.
Jesus went to the cross and became our perfect sacrifice so we could live victoriously and rejoice in our salvation through Him. That means that when we have Christ, worldly circumstances should not be determining our level of happiness. Jesus knew we would act this way! That is why He told us this:
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
If we want the rest of the world to desire the happiness we have in Christ, we need to start showing it.
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