"Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation" 1 Peter 2:2
My almost three-year-old son Luke often comes to me and says, "Hold me like a baby." Of course I scoop him up like a little baby and snuggle him close and tell him what a cute baby he is and how much I love him. This is when Luke loves to act like a little baby and ask for a bottle and a pacifier; which of course I do not give him, but he just likes to play like a little baby sometimes. When Luke first started doing this I realized that he was wanting to be doted over the way we did with his little baby twin sisters. Julia and Olivia are still babies that have infant needs that Luke often wants to be extended to him. Any of you with children can relate to this I'm sure.
When little kids do this it is cute. When adults do this in their Christian walk it is not so cute. There are so many Christians who received salvation and just stopped growing right then. This verse in 1 Peter talks about being a new Christian and being babied with spiritual milk for a while but then you have to grow up and start acting like a mature Christian. Think about it this way; if we all received salvation and didn't continue to grow up in our faith not many other people would be hearing the word of God. Babies don't teach other people, they don't share their wisdom with others. It is no different for new Christians. They aren't going to be helping anyone else if they don't grow up themselves.
Have a terrific Tuesday!
"First Thing..." is a blog that is committed to providing daily Christian devotional scriptures and thoughts to get your day started serving the Lord. After all, the Lord should be the First Thing you focus on to get your day started the right way.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Control Your Self!
We are finishing up our ninth day of Spiritual fruit with self-control. I hope you have enjoyed this little series on fruit. Now, let's talk about controlling ourselves.
"The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray." 1 Peter 4:7
Wonder why this verse says we have to be in control of ourselves to pray? Of all the things that could have been mentioned as ways to promote your prayer life, I think it is interesting that self-control is mentioned. People often relate an inability to pray with harboring unforgiveness, feelings of hatred, jealousy, wrath, disgust, etc, etc... But this verse focuses solely on self-control.
We can't go to God in prayer when our minds, actions and motives are spinning out of control because of some situation in our lives that has robbed us of our self-control. I am not saying that we shouldn't seek God's guidance when we are feeling out of control. No way! However, we do need to come down from that out of control spiral that has pushed the Holy Spirit aside and seek God's guidance. The ideal situation for self-control is that we never lose it in the first place. We all know that is not always the case, but we do need to make good use of the fruit of self-control that Jesus died to give us so our hearts are in a state that can seek God through prayer just like Paul said "without ceasing." Because believe me, when the self-control flies out the window our prayerful attitude and awareness goes with it!
"The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray." 1 Peter 4:7
Wonder why this verse says we have to be in control of ourselves to pray? Of all the things that could have been mentioned as ways to promote your prayer life, I think it is interesting that self-control is mentioned. People often relate an inability to pray with harboring unforgiveness, feelings of hatred, jealousy, wrath, disgust, etc, etc... But this verse focuses solely on self-control.
We can't go to God in prayer when our minds, actions and motives are spinning out of control because of some situation in our lives that has robbed us of our self-control. I am not saying that we shouldn't seek God's guidance when we are feeling out of control. No way! However, we do need to come down from that out of control spiral that has pushed the Holy Spirit aside and seek God's guidance. The ideal situation for self-control is that we never lose it in the first place. We all know that is not always the case, but we do need to make good use of the fruit of self-control that Jesus died to give us so our hearts are in a state that can seek God through prayer just like Paul said "without ceasing." Because believe me, when the self-control flies out the window our prayerful attitude and awareness goes with it!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Be Gentle!
"Let your gentleness be evident to all." Philippians 4:5
One of the most frequent phrases that I hear myself yelling at my two-year-old son is, "Be Gentle!!!" For those of you who know Luke you will know exactly what I mean when I say that he is rough. Luke is all boy and plays so rough with my twin girls that are only 18 months old. I have to remind him to be gentle with the girlies all the time. When I tell him this he kind of gives me this look like, "Playing gently is no fun."
Well, as Christian adults our responsibility to be gentle does not have much to do with not body-slamming your sisters or dragging them across the floor by their feet. I think that our biggest challenge with gentleness today is in how we speak to other people. Our words can often be so rough and insensitive. Most of the time we don't realize our lack of gentleness, but sometimes we do. The Holy Spirit has gifted us with the fruit of gentleness. This means that a Christian can no longer say, "Well, my personality is not very gentle so I can't help that I hurt other people's feelings sometimes." No, no, that excuse will not work anymore because gentleness is in your heart because of the Holy Spirit. If Christians are not being gentle with others it is because they have chosen not to let that fruit ripen within their hearts so they can put it to good use.
When we choose not to use the gentleness that God has given us it is like telling God that you don't really want His gift. I don't know about you, but I want everything that God wants to gift me with! (Guess that means you will start seeing more gentleness out of me! LOL!)
One of the most frequent phrases that I hear myself yelling at my two-year-old son is, "Be Gentle!!!" For those of you who know Luke you will know exactly what I mean when I say that he is rough. Luke is all boy and plays so rough with my twin girls that are only 18 months old. I have to remind him to be gentle with the girlies all the time. When I tell him this he kind of gives me this look like, "Playing gently is no fun."
Well, as Christian adults our responsibility to be gentle does not have much to do with not body-slamming your sisters or dragging them across the floor by their feet. I think that our biggest challenge with gentleness today is in how we speak to other people. Our words can often be so rough and insensitive. Most of the time we don't realize our lack of gentleness, but sometimes we do. The Holy Spirit has gifted us with the fruit of gentleness. This means that a Christian can no longer say, "Well, my personality is not very gentle so I can't help that I hurt other people's feelings sometimes." No, no, that excuse will not work anymore because gentleness is in your heart because of the Holy Spirit. If Christians are not being gentle with others it is because they have chosen not to let that fruit ripen within their hearts so they can put it to good use.
When we choose not to use the gentleness that God has given us it is like telling God that you don't really want His gift. I don't know about you, but I want everything that God wants to gift me with! (Guess that means you will start seeing more gentleness out of me! LOL!)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Faithfully Faithful
"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Psalm 91:4
When we consider the concept of faithfulness our minds naturally tend to think about marital faithfulness or being faithful to our Christian walk. These are all good examples, but here is one aspect of faithfulness that we do not think about often: God's faithfulness to us. God promises that He will be faithful to fulfill the promises that He has given His children. God's faithfulness should be a source of strength and encouragement for us in our lives but we often overlook His faithfulness.
When I consider why many Christians overlook God's faithfulness one thing comes to mind --- God does not fulfill His promises in our own timing so we mistake God's delay for unfaithfulness. Well, let me tell you that this is a lie. Satan himself wants you to think that if God doesn't answer your prayer right when you want Him to that He is being unfaithful to help you in your time of need. Let's be aware of this lie and prayerfully work to not fall victim to it!
One important fact that Christians must remember is the faithfulness God shows to us is the same faithfulness that we receive as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. God's faithfulness is infallible and perfect and I am encouraged that fruit of faithfulness is living in me. Now it is just up to me to cultivate it and make it work and thrive in my life!
When we consider the concept of faithfulness our minds naturally tend to think about marital faithfulness or being faithful to our Christian walk. These are all good examples, but here is one aspect of faithfulness that we do not think about often: God's faithfulness to us. God promises that He will be faithful to fulfill the promises that He has given His children. God's faithfulness should be a source of strength and encouragement for us in our lives but we often overlook His faithfulness.
When I consider why many Christians overlook God's faithfulness one thing comes to mind --- God does not fulfill His promises in our own timing so we mistake God's delay for unfaithfulness. Well, let me tell you that this is a lie. Satan himself wants you to think that if God doesn't answer your prayer right when you want Him to that He is being unfaithful to help you in your time of need. Let's be aware of this lie and prayerfully work to not fall victim to it!
One important fact that Christians must remember is the faithfulness God shows to us is the same faithfulness that we receive as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. God's faithfulness is infallible and perfect and I am encouraged that fruit of faithfulness is living in me. Now it is just up to me to cultivate it and make it work and thrive in my life!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Oh My Goodness!
"God saw all that He had made, and it was very good" Genesis 1:31
Genesis is all about the beginning. The first verse starts off saying, "In the beginning God..." Genesis 1:1. Then it follows by giving a list of all the wondrous things God created. At the close of the sixth day of God's creation it speaks of God taking time to look at all He had created. God was pleased because his creation reflected the goodness of God himself. God is good. That is His very essence and being. Anything from God is good. It is funny how in the English language the word "good" is only one "O" too many from being the word God. That is pretty amazing when you consider that God is very literally good.
Have you ever had a moment when you told God how good he is? I have had times when I would be doing something and I could see God working out something for my good. That is when I just giggle to myself and say, "God you are so good!" It cracks me up when I see God being good to me in very simple ways. Like when I go to the store needing a new pack of sippy cups (which are expensive for some reason) and I find two sippy cups exactly alike in the clearance bin that cost me next to nothing. God knew I needed two for my twins and He also knew that I like for them to match. And God really knew that I didn't want to spend a lot for them, so He had them right there waiting for me in the clearance bin.
Many times we don't recognize these times of God's goodness in our lives. I am sure that I have overlooked many times myself. We all need to be watching for these acts of goodness God bestows upon us because they encourage us and strengthen our relationship with Him. So, make an extra effort to find the goodness of God in everything you see. You won't have to look very hard.
Quick side note here:
I have noticed that our society has become really big on this whole OMG thing. (If you don't know what it means it is using God's name in an unholy way.) Some of you may disagree with me on this one, but I am sorry. It grieves me to hear people say this phrase and what grieves me even more is that my two year old son said it the other day. I nearly fainted! Once I came back to my senses I corrected him and said that we don't say "Oh my (you know)", we say "Oh my goodness." I have no idea where Luke heard this spoken, but once the two year olds in our lives are walking around saying these things, it is an even bigger problem. Please join me in praying that people will stop throwing God's name around so flippantly and disrespectfully.
Genesis is all about the beginning. The first verse starts off saying, "In the beginning God..." Genesis 1:1. Then it follows by giving a list of all the wondrous things God created. At the close of the sixth day of God's creation it speaks of God taking time to look at all He had created. God was pleased because his creation reflected the goodness of God himself. God is good. That is His very essence and being. Anything from God is good. It is funny how in the English language the word "good" is only one "O" too many from being the word God. That is pretty amazing when you consider that God is very literally good.
Have you ever had a moment when you told God how good he is? I have had times when I would be doing something and I could see God working out something for my good. That is when I just giggle to myself and say, "God you are so good!" It cracks me up when I see God being good to me in very simple ways. Like when I go to the store needing a new pack of sippy cups (which are expensive for some reason) and I find two sippy cups exactly alike in the clearance bin that cost me next to nothing. God knew I needed two for my twins and He also knew that I like for them to match. And God really knew that I didn't want to spend a lot for them, so He had them right there waiting for me in the clearance bin.
Many times we don't recognize these times of God's goodness in our lives. I am sure that I have overlooked many times myself. We all need to be watching for these acts of goodness God bestows upon us because they encourage us and strengthen our relationship with Him. So, make an extra effort to find the goodness of God in everything you see. You won't have to look very hard.
Quick side note here:
I have noticed that our society has become really big on this whole OMG thing. (If you don't know what it means it is using God's name in an unholy way.) Some of you may disagree with me on this one, but I am sorry. It grieves me to hear people say this phrase and what grieves me even more is that my two year old son said it the other day. I nearly fainted! Once I came back to my senses I corrected him and said that we don't say "Oh my (you know)", we say "Oh my goodness." I have no idea where Luke heard this spoken, but once the two year olds in our lives are walking around saying these things, it is an even bigger problem. Please join me in praying that people will stop throwing God's name around so flippantly and disrespectfully.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Showing Kindness
"...but blessed is he who is kind to the needy." Proverbs 14:21
People all over the world are needy in many different ways. We often consider the needy to be financially poor people. This is true, but there are people who are needy in other capacities as well. Some people are in needy for encouragement, a friend, support, a helper, advice...the list goes on. I would go so far as to say that we have all been needy at some point in our lives whether our need had anything to do with money or not. You may be needy in some way right now.
Well, here is the perk for Christians: God loves it and blesses us when we fulfill someone's need. But don't go into this as an obligation where you are looking for a blessing. The funny thing about being kind and helping someone in need is that you often experience more joy giving out the kindness than the other person does receiving it. Don't believe me? Go try it. Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20:35.
Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit that has a great power to transform a person from the inside out. Kind Christians are happy because they are letting God's kindness shine on other people around them. And you know this makes God smile!
Surprise someone with unexpected kindness today. Wouldn't you love it if someone did that to you???
People all over the world are needy in many different ways. We often consider the needy to be financially poor people. This is true, but there are people who are needy in other capacities as well. Some people are in needy for encouragement, a friend, support, a helper, advice...the list goes on. I would go so far as to say that we have all been needy at some point in our lives whether our need had anything to do with money or not. You may be needy in some way right now.
Well, here is the perk for Christians: God loves it and blesses us when we fulfill someone's need. But don't go into this as an obligation where you are looking for a blessing. The funny thing about being kind and helping someone in need is that you often experience more joy giving out the kindness than the other person does receiving it. Don't believe me? Go try it. Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20:35.
Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit that has a great power to transform a person from the inside out. Kind Christians are happy because they are letting God's kindness shine on other people around them. And you know this makes God smile!
Surprise someone with unexpected kindness today. Wouldn't you love it if someone did that to you???
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Patience is the fourth fruit of the Spirit and our focus for today!
"...encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone." 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Patient with everyone? Really? You mean that I have to be patient with that crazy person who cut me off on the road this morning, or that moody cashier that won't honor the sale price, or my kids who don't care to listen to me? Really? YES.
Patience is one of those fruits that can be the hardest to cultivate. However, the Holy Spirit gave it to you so don't think that He is going to leave you on your own when it comes to making it work in your life. In the verse above Paul is writing and telling his brothers in Christ how they need to be acting to each other and everyone else. When he mentions being patient he didn't just say, "be patient." No, that would have easily been misconstrued by the brothers to mean that they only had to be patient with each other. Paul took care of that misunderstanding before it started by saying, "be patient with everyone." Now there was no mistaking what Paul meant.
It is pretty easy to identify a Christian who is practicing the patience that the Holy Spirit has given them. However, it is much easier to identify a Christian who is not practicing the patience that the Holy Spirit has given them. Which are you?
"...encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone." 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Patient with everyone? Really? You mean that I have to be patient with that crazy person who cut me off on the road this morning, or that moody cashier that won't honor the sale price, or my kids who don't care to listen to me? Really? YES.
Patience is one of those fruits that can be the hardest to cultivate. However, the Holy Spirit gave it to you so don't think that He is going to leave you on your own when it comes to making it work in your life. In the verse above Paul is writing and telling his brothers in Christ how they need to be acting to each other and everyone else. When he mentions being patient he didn't just say, "be patient." No, that would have easily been misconstrued by the brothers to mean that they only had to be patient with each other. Paul took care of that misunderstanding before it started by saying, "be patient with everyone." Now there was no mistaking what Paul meant.
It is pretty easy to identify a Christian who is practicing the patience that the Holy Spirit has given them. However, it is much easier to identify a Christian who is not practicing the patience that the Holy Spirit has given them. Which are you?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Peice on Peace
Here we are at our third day of fruit! Peace is our fruit of the Spirit today.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
Let's break this down and take a look at this verse:
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you" - I like how Jesus says that He is leaving us His peace. Not just any peace, but His peace. I really don't want to know any other peace but the kind that Jesus gives. Right before Jesus spoke these words He was telling the disciples about how the Holy Spirit would be sent to them since Jesus would be leaving them. I think it is interesting how Jesus chose to focus on the fruit of peace when he discussed the coming of the Holy Spirit. The disciples did not want to think about not having Jesus around. So, when Jesus mentioned his departure, the disciples began to worry and fret. Jesus knew how to ease their hearts and minds by focusing on the peace that He promised them.
"I do not give to you as the world gives." - The world cannot offer true peace. That is a simple fact and I will tell you why. The world can only offer peace on a conditional basis that is based purely on circumstances. Come on, think about it...the world says that peace comes through money, relationships, family, status, jobs, etc... The peace that Jesus gives us is there no matter what our circumstances are. Some of you may say, "Now hang on, I have Jesus in my heart but I don't have peace all the time." Well, that is probably true, but that is not Jesus' fault. That is our own fault that we do not exercise and lean on the peace that Jesus died to give us every moment of our life. This all goes back to the fact that our Spiritual fruit (peace) is in us when we have salvation but we have to make it grow or it never gets used.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - We were all children at one time and our parents have all said the word "don't" at some point to us. I say "don't" to my kids all the time. "Don't push your sisters"..."Don't pull out your hairbow"..."Don't stick playdough in your nose." When I am saying "don't" I expect my kids to listen and not do it anymore. When they continue disobeying my command it makes me not so happy. Well, how do you think Jesus feels when he has told us not to do something but we just keep on. Jesus himself is directly telling us don't be troubled or afraid because He knows that doing those things steals our peace. There is a purpose for His command and the purpose is beneficial to us.
Go be a peacemaker...you know why!
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
Let's break this down and take a look at this verse:
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you" - I like how Jesus says that He is leaving us His peace. Not just any peace, but His peace. I really don't want to know any other peace but the kind that Jesus gives. Right before Jesus spoke these words He was telling the disciples about how the Holy Spirit would be sent to them since Jesus would be leaving them. I think it is interesting how Jesus chose to focus on the fruit of peace when he discussed the coming of the Holy Spirit. The disciples did not want to think about not having Jesus around. So, when Jesus mentioned his departure, the disciples began to worry and fret. Jesus knew how to ease their hearts and minds by focusing on the peace that He promised them.
"I do not give to you as the world gives." - The world cannot offer true peace. That is a simple fact and I will tell you why. The world can only offer peace on a conditional basis that is based purely on circumstances. Come on, think about it...the world says that peace comes through money, relationships, family, status, jobs, etc... The peace that Jesus gives us is there no matter what our circumstances are. Some of you may say, "Now hang on, I have Jesus in my heart but I don't have peace all the time." Well, that is probably true, but that is not Jesus' fault. That is our own fault that we do not exercise and lean on the peace that Jesus died to give us every moment of our life. This all goes back to the fact that our Spiritual fruit (peace) is in us when we have salvation but we have to make it grow or it never gets used.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - We were all children at one time and our parents have all said the word "don't" at some point to us. I say "don't" to my kids all the time. "Don't push your sisters"..."Don't pull out your hairbow"..."Don't stick playdough in your nose." When I am saying "don't" I expect my kids to listen and not do it anymore. When they continue disobeying my command it makes me not so happy. Well, how do you think Jesus feels when he has told us not to do something but we just keep on. Jesus himself is directly telling us don't be troubled or afraid because He knows that doing those things steals our peace. There is a purpose for His command and the purpose is beneficial to us.
Go be a peacemaker...you know why!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Joyful, Joyful
Joy is the second fruit of the Spirit that we are focusing on during our Nine Days of Fruit!
"I will be joyful in God my Savior." Habakkuk 3:18
Just prior to this verse in Habakkuk there are quite a few adversities that are listed that the people are experiencing. After the list of troubles the writer finishes up by saying that no matter what they are facing they are going to be joyful in God. This was a great attitude to have during a time of trouble. However, joy is not the default attitude that we gravitate towards when things are not going our way.
Joy is one of those fruits that you have to choose to operate in. Sometimes we experience joy because of our circumstances, but this is such an unpredictable way to have joy in our lives. When the Holy Spirit has filled us with the fruit of joy we must decide to experience that joy no matter what our circumstances are. If you cannot find joy in anything else, let you focus be on the fact that when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are forgiven of your sins and will spend eternity in heaven with Him. That alone is the greatest source of joy.
But even born-again Christians lose sight of this joy their salvation brings and let life steal the joy that the Holy Spirit has given to them. We have to make a conscious decision to focus on the joy Jesus died to give us and pass that same joy to others.
Have a great week and get joyful!
"I will be joyful in God my Savior." Habakkuk 3:18
Just prior to this verse in Habakkuk there are quite a few adversities that are listed that the people are experiencing. After the list of troubles the writer finishes up by saying that no matter what they are facing they are going to be joyful in God. This was a great attitude to have during a time of trouble. However, joy is not the default attitude that we gravitate towards when things are not going our way.
Joy is one of those fruits that you have to choose to operate in. Sometimes we experience joy because of our circumstances, but this is such an unpredictable way to have joy in our lives. When the Holy Spirit has filled us with the fruit of joy we must decide to experience that joy no matter what our circumstances are. If you cannot find joy in anything else, let you focus be on the fact that when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are forgiven of your sins and will spend eternity in heaven with Him. That alone is the greatest source of joy.
But even born-again Christians lose sight of this joy their salvation brings and let life steal the joy that the Holy Spirit has given to them. We have to make a conscious decision to focus on the joy Jesus died to give us and pass that same joy to others.
Have a great week and get joyful!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Let's Start With Love...
Love is our first fruit of the Spirit that we will focus on. (Please check out the right hand side of my blog to see the verse we are using for this.)
Love is listed first in the order of the different fruits of the Spirit that Paul gives. I do not think this is by chance that love appears first in line here. 1 John 4:8 says, "God is love." Love is the very essence of God. When you consider all that God has done for us there is no doubt that He loves us. God sent his own Son, Jesus, to die for us. That is serious love.
I think that we try to compare the love that God is to our own concept of love. The different types of love that we experience in a human sense are not comparable to the love that God has for us. Our finite minds try to connect God's love to our own and it is just not happening.
However, once we are born again and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, only then can we begin to understand the spiritual love of God. (Confused about being "born again"? Read John 3 of the New Testament and check out what Jesus himself has to say about it.) When the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us we are gifted with the Spiritual fruit of love. This doesn't mean that we did not love before, it means that we didn't have the spiritual love that the Holy Spirit provides.
But here is the kicker: Once we have the Spiritual fruit of love it is not going to instantly take over and work for us! Spiritual gifts have to be cultivated through prayer, Bible reading and practice! This is kind of the hard part because it is in us but it is not working through us until we make the effort for it to shine!
Go show someone God's love in you!
Love is listed first in the order of the different fruits of the Spirit that Paul gives. I do not think this is by chance that love appears first in line here. 1 John 4:8 says, "God is love." Love is the very essence of God. When you consider all that God has done for us there is no doubt that He loves us. God sent his own Son, Jesus, to die for us. That is serious love.
I think that we try to compare the love that God is to our own concept of love. The different types of love that we experience in a human sense are not comparable to the love that God has for us. Our finite minds try to connect God's love to our own and it is just not happening.
However, once we are born again and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, only then can we begin to understand the spiritual love of God. (Confused about being "born again"? Read John 3 of the New Testament and check out what Jesus himself has to say about it.) When the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us we are gifted with the Spiritual fruit of love. This doesn't mean that we did not love before, it means that we didn't have the spiritual love that the Holy Spirit provides.
But here is the kicker: Once we have the Spiritual fruit of love it is not going to instantly take over and work for us! Spiritual gifts have to be cultivated through prayer, Bible reading and practice! This is kind of the hard part because it is in us but it is not working through us until we make the effort for it to shine!
Go show someone God's love in you!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Drive Thru Service
"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat!" Isaiah 55:1
A few days ago I was standing at my kitchen counter working on something and I heard this sweet little 2 year old voice say, "I wanna a cheeseburger, a small fry and a small drink". I looked down to see that Luke had sat himself in Olivia's gait trainer (which is a piece of medical equipment) and rolled up next to me like he was pulling through the drive-thru at McDonald's.
There are times like this when I just have to laugh! Luke's imagination and hunger were hilarious. He is a little child, but he knows what he wants. This verse in Isaiah is referring to so much more than literal food and drink. The thirst we have is for Christ's living water and food that saves us and sustains us. The older we get the harder it becomes to ask for something and receive it freely. Luke had no intention of shelling out some bucks when he placed his order, but that didn't stop him from asking. Neither should adults hesitate to ask Jesus for the living water and food He gives freely. Remember how Jesus said we are to come to him like a little child???
P.S. I took this pic right after I got the drive-thru order.
A few days ago I was standing at my kitchen counter working on something and I heard this sweet little 2 year old voice say, "I wanna a cheeseburger, a small fry and a small drink". I looked down to see that Luke had sat himself in Olivia's gait trainer (which is a piece of medical equipment) and rolled up next to me like he was pulling through the drive-thru at McDonald's.
There are times like this when I just have to laugh! Luke's imagination and hunger were hilarious. He is a little child, but he knows what he wants. This verse in Isaiah is referring to so much more than literal food and drink. The thirst we have is for Christ's living water and food that saves us and sustains us. The older we get the harder it becomes to ask for something and receive it freely. Luke had no intention of shelling out some bucks when he placed his order, but that didn't stop him from asking. Neither should adults hesitate to ask Jesus for the living water and food He gives freely. Remember how Jesus said we are to come to him like a little child???
P.S. I took this pic right after I got the drive-thru order.
Friday, August 20, 2010
What Would You Ask For?
"At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you."...Solomon answered...,"So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong." 1 Kings 3:5,6&9
King Solomon asked for God to give him wisdom when he could have asked for anything. I suggest that it took some level of wisdom for Solomon to even think to request wisdom. I have heard this told many times before and I always find myself thinking, "What would I have asked for?"
God granted Solomon his request, but he did not stop there. God likes to reward us for our good choices and our obedience to him so check out what God did:
"The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. So God said to him, 'Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for - both riches and honor - so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. And if you walk in my ways and obey my statutes and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life." 1 Kings 3:10-14
Whoa, God really laid on the gifts there. King Solomon became a very wise man from that point. People sought his wisdom because everyone was talking about it. But the most important part to remember is that Solomon was not wise through his own efforts. He had the wisdom of God working through him. Sometimes when God blesses us with a gift we give him the credit at first but then we begin to give ourselves the credit for our success or good works. This false sense of accomplishment is dangerous. Whatever abilities or gifts we have are bestowed from God whom all praise, glory and honor is due!
King Solomon asked for God to give him wisdom when he could have asked for anything. I suggest that it took some level of wisdom for Solomon to even think to request wisdom. I have heard this told many times before and I always find myself thinking, "What would I have asked for?"
God granted Solomon his request, but he did not stop there. God likes to reward us for our good choices and our obedience to him so check out what God did:
"The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. So God said to him, 'Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for - both riches and honor - so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. And if you walk in my ways and obey my statutes and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life." 1 Kings 3:10-14
Whoa, God really laid on the gifts there. King Solomon became a very wise man from that point. People sought his wisdom because everyone was talking about it. But the most important part to remember is that Solomon was not wise through his own efforts. He had the wisdom of God working through him. Sometimes when God blesses us with a gift we give him the credit at first but then we begin to give ourselves the credit for our success or good works. This false sense of accomplishment is dangerous. Whatever abilities or gifts we have are bestowed from God whom all praise, glory and honor is due!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I Saw the Healing...
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases" Psalm 103:2-3
In August of 2009 one of our twin daughters, Julia, was diagnosed with having an arterial septal defect. Julia was 6 months old at the time. Her cardiologist told us that this basically means she has a hole in her heart. Last year we discussed that surgery would probably be needed at around 4 to 5 years of age for Julia's heart. This was hard news to hear, but we just trusted God and added it to the prayer list!
Today, one year later, we saw her cardiologist for an annual check up. I was nervous holding her on the little examining table while her doctor did an ultrasound of her heart. He took his time at first and I finally had to ask after a long period of silence how the ASD looked. He very matter of fact said, "Well, its gone."
I am thankful that I can witness healings like this and see God's healing power at work. It grieves me when God's power is dismissed as luck or a fluke occurrence that turned out in someones favor. When I say that we had a miracle today I mean that God Himself closed up that little hole in Julia's heart! Now let's give credit where credit is due!
Julia will never have to see the cardiologist again. But here's the tough part...
You know how it feels to have such sweet victory and then before you know it the bottom falls out. Well, that is kind of what happened, because Olivia, our other twin daughter, had the ultrasound done on her heart right after Julia. Olivia has never had this procedure done, but our doctors suggested she have it. The next thing I know the doctor is saying that Olivia has an ASD. Olivia's is very small but there is still that opening in her heart.
But let me tell you I know that God is working in my girls' lives and I trust him for every provision. Despair is tempting, but I won't do it! We had a victory and a trouble back to back today. The world throws stuff at us all the time. Worldly circumstances tend to stink, "But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Jesus said it and that is all I need to know...
In August of 2009 one of our twin daughters, Julia, was diagnosed with having an arterial septal defect. Julia was 6 months old at the time. Her cardiologist told us that this basically means she has a hole in her heart. Last year we discussed that surgery would probably be needed at around 4 to 5 years of age for Julia's heart. This was hard news to hear, but we just trusted God and added it to the prayer list!
Today, one year later, we saw her cardiologist for an annual check up. I was nervous holding her on the little examining table while her doctor did an ultrasound of her heart. He took his time at first and I finally had to ask after a long period of silence how the ASD looked. He very matter of fact said, "Well, its gone."
I am thankful that I can witness healings like this and see God's healing power at work. It grieves me when God's power is dismissed as luck or a fluke occurrence that turned out in someones favor. When I say that we had a miracle today I mean that God Himself closed up that little hole in Julia's heart! Now let's give credit where credit is due!
Julia will never have to see the cardiologist again. But here's the tough part...
You know how it feels to have such sweet victory and then before you know it the bottom falls out. Well, that is kind of what happened, because Olivia, our other twin daughter, had the ultrasound done on her heart right after Julia. Olivia has never had this procedure done, but our doctors suggested she have it. The next thing I know the doctor is saying that Olivia has an ASD. Olivia's is very small but there is still that opening in her heart.
But let me tell you I know that God is working in my girls' lives and I trust him for every provision. Despair is tempting, but I won't do it! We had a victory and a trouble back to back today. The world throws stuff at us all the time. Worldly circumstances tend to stink, "But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Jesus said it and that is all I need to know...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
This one is for fun! (You will see what I mean...)
"I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety...but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." 1 Timothy 2:9-10
I thought this verse was hilariously appropriate for the little story I have to tell you.
Sunday mornings at our house are very crazy. I have to get myself ready, feed our children, dress our children, give the girls breathing treatments, wake up Bart, pack snacks and diaper bags, wake up Bart again, and finally throw on my dress before I run out the door. I have to wait and put my dress on last thing because there is no telling what would end up on it if I went through that whole process while wearing my dress. Well, this past Sunday I went through this process and Bart and I walked in church with the kids; everyone was smiling and happy. We greeted many people on our way in. Bart was behind me with the girls and we were walking down our second hallway in the church when Bart uses his loudest whisper possible to tell me that my dress is unzipped! So there in the church hallway Bart finishes dressing me for the morning! Thank God I got it zipped up part of the way myself and didn't show too much! Somehow in my whirlwind of getting ready and loading everyone in the car I forgot to get Bart to zip me up the rest of the way! I can't remember which was more embarrassing, Bart's whisper-yell or the fact that my dress was unzipped!
This verse from 1 Timothy seemed appropriate because Paul is telling Timothy what is expected of women in the body of Christ. I know that we have all experienced a time in our youth when our Mothers have told us there was no way we were wearing that to church. I remember my mama not wanting me to wear blue jean shorts to a Vacation Bible School meeting!!! (Don't act like you don't remember either Mama!) LOL!
I think that we have to prepare and dress our hearts for worship as well as our outward appearance. You can look totally modest and appropriate on the outside, but if your heart is looking trashy you better use the Bible as the book of etiquette to clean it up!
Wow it's Wednesday!
"I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety...but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." 1 Timothy 2:9-10
I thought this verse was hilariously appropriate for the little story I have to tell you.
Sunday mornings at our house are very crazy. I have to get myself ready, feed our children, dress our children, give the girls breathing treatments, wake up Bart, pack snacks and diaper bags, wake up Bart again, and finally throw on my dress before I run out the door. I have to wait and put my dress on last thing because there is no telling what would end up on it if I went through that whole process while wearing my dress. Well, this past Sunday I went through this process and Bart and I walked in church with the kids; everyone was smiling and happy. We greeted many people on our way in. Bart was behind me with the girls and we were walking down our second hallway in the church when Bart uses his loudest whisper possible to tell me that my dress is unzipped! So there in the church hallway Bart finishes dressing me for the morning! Thank God I got it zipped up part of the way myself and didn't show too much! Somehow in my whirlwind of getting ready and loading everyone in the car I forgot to get Bart to zip me up the rest of the way! I can't remember which was more embarrassing, Bart's whisper-yell or the fact that my dress was unzipped!
This verse from 1 Timothy seemed appropriate because Paul is telling Timothy what is expected of women in the body of Christ. I know that we have all experienced a time in our youth when our Mothers have told us there was no way we were wearing that to church. I remember my mama not wanting me to wear blue jean shorts to a Vacation Bible School meeting!!! (Don't act like you don't remember either Mama!) LOL!
I think that we have to prepare and dress our hearts for worship as well as our outward appearance. You can look totally modest and appropriate on the outside, but if your heart is looking trashy you better use the Bible as the book of etiquette to clean it up!
Wow it's Wednesday!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Great Physician
"Jesus turned and saw her. 'Take heart daughter,' he said, 'your faith has healed you.' And the woman was healed from that moment." Matthew 9:22
Jesus has many names and titles that he goes by. "The Great Physician" is one of my favorites. I love this one because Jesus did a lot of healing when He was on the earth and He is still doing a lot of healing from heaven. I know this to be a fact because I have watched Jesus heal my daughters before my eyes. I have stood over their incubators in the hospital and read scripture over them and prayed for Jesus to heal them, and He did.
You know, when our girls were in the NICU for three months they racked up some serious medical costs. We thank God everyday for the wonderful health insurance that paid for those unbelievable costs. Yeah, we had the occasional co-pay but it was nothing compared to the total costs. But you know what, our Great Physician didn't charge us a co-pay. Jesus did not bill our insurance for the healing He did. Jesus gave our girls healing because of his love for them, for us, and for our faith in Him as our Lord and Savior. And let me tell you that is the most free gift we will ever get that we do not deserve!
Thank you Jesus for healing us simply because we know you have the power to do it!
P.S. Want to welcome Renee to "First Thing..."! Thanks for joining us!
Jesus has many names and titles that he goes by. "The Great Physician" is one of my favorites. I love this one because Jesus did a lot of healing when He was on the earth and He is still doing a lot of healing from heaven. I know this to be a fact because I have watched Jesus heal my daughters before my eyes. I have stood over their incubators in the hospital and read scripture over them and prayed for Jesus to heal them, and He did.
You know, when our girls were in the NICU for three months they racked up some serious medical costs. We thank God everyday for the wonderful health insurance that paid for those unbelievable costs. Yeah, we had the occasional co-pay but it was nothing compared to the total costs. But you know what, our Great Physician didn't charge us a co-pay. Jesus did not bill our insurance for the healing He did. Jesus gave our girls healing because of his love for them, for us, and for our faith in Him as our Lord and Savior. And let me tell you that is the most free gift we will ever get that we do not deserve!
Thank you Jesus for healing us simply because we know you have the power to do it!
P.S. Want to welcome Renee to "First Thing..."! Thanks for joining us!
Monday, August 16, 2010
History Repeats
You know that old saying that "History repeats itself"? Well listen to this from Ecclesiastes:
"Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account[or God calls back the past]." Ecclesiastes 3:15
Isn't this kind of interesting. I never gave much thought to the truth that history does tend to repeat itself in ways. However, I now have a new perspective on this. I think that we often feel like our problems are worse or new in some way that the world has never experienced them before. When actually our problems are the same problems people had thousands of years ago, only with different circumstances surrounding them.
This proves how applicable the Bible is to our lives despite how much the world has changed since it was written. No, Paul did not type out the book of Ephesians on his laptop, but he did struggle with the same feelings and emotions that we do today.
Have a marvelous Monday!
"Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account[or God calls back the past]." Ecclesiastes 3:15
Isn't this kind of interesting. I never gave much thought to the truth that history does tend to repeat itself in ways. However, I now have a new perspective on this. I think that we often feel like our problems are worse or new in some way that the world has never experienced them before. When actually our problems are the same problems people had thousands of years ago, only with different circumstances surrounding them.
This proves how applicable the Bible is to our lives despite how much the world has changed since it was written. No, Paul did not type out the book of Ephesians on his laptop, but he did struggle with the same feelings and emotions that we do today.
Have a marvelous Monday!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Laughing Matter
"God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me." Genesis 21:6
I came across this verse when looking at some verses that dealt with laughter. This verse seemed odd to me until I read the entire passage of that part of Genesis. It is Sarah who is speaking these words about God bringing her laughter. The reason Sarah is so tickled is because she is almost a hundred years old and she just gave birth to her first baby! Yeah, that is something to laugh about because being pregnant and having a baby at 20something almost kills us now.
God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son and name him Issac despite their old age and their infertility. The biological circumstances were totally stacked against Abraham and Sarah. However, God can do anything He wants and he turned that couple into parents at the ripe old age of almost 100! And as you know, the rest was history... You know, "Father Abraham had many sons..." (We all sang that one growing up!)
Have a restful Sunday.
I came across this verse when looking at some verses that dealt with laughter. This verse seemed odd to me until I read the entire passage of that part of Genesis. It is Sarah who is speaking these words about God bringing her laughter. The reason Sarah is so tickled is because she is almost a hundred years old and she just gave birth to her first baby! Yeah, that is something to laugh about because being pregnant and having a baby at 20something almost kills us now.
God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son and name him Issac despite their old age and their infertility. The biological circumstances were totally stacked against Abraham and Sarah. However, God can do anything He wants and he turned that couple into parents at the ripe old age of almost 100! And as you know, the rest was history... You know, "Father Abraham had many sons..." (We all sang that one growing up!)
Have a restful Sunday.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Luke's Little Dog
"Asa's heart was fully committed to the Lord all his life." 2 Chronicles 15:17
Asa was a king of Judah in the lineage of David and Solomon. King David was actually Asa's great great grandfather. Asa was one of the kings that came in and cleaned up Judah in a moral sense because they were forsaking God and worshiping idols.
Many people may not be familiar with Asa because he is not a major Bible character. His story is in 2 Chronicles and it can easily be read over quickly and not paid much attention to. Well, that is not true for our son Luke!
Luke has a little children's book of Bible stories. And let me tell you the first time he heard about Asa he could not stop talking about him. I found this interesting because most kids talk about Noah or Moses. Luke has a little dog that he sleeps with every night that he named Asa. This was totally his idea! After he named this dog Asa I had to go back and reread Asa's story and make sure this was a good idea. (You know, make sure it wasn't somebody like Jezebel and your kid is naming stuffed animals after them!) Needless to say, Asa was a good person for the dog to be named after. I have to commend Asa for turning Judah back to the one true God. Asa did something in ancient times that we need to be doing today in our own nation.
Have a great weekend!
Asa was a king of Judah in the lineage of David and Solomon. King David was actually Asa's great great grandfather. Asa was one of the kings that came in and cleaned up Judah in a moral sense because they were forsaking God and worshiping idols.
Many people may not be familiar with Asa because he is not a major Bible character. His story is in 2 Chronicles and it can easily be read over quickly and not paid much attention to. Well, that is not true for our son Luke!
Luke has a little children's book of Bible stories. And let me tell you the first time he heard about Asa he could not stop talking about him. I found this interesting because most kids talk about Noah or Moses. Luke has a little dog that he sleeps with every night that he named Asa. This was totally his idea! After he named this dog Asa I had to go back and reread Asa's story and make sure this was a good idea. (You know, make sure it wasn't somebody like Jezebel and your kid is naming stuffed animals after them!) Needless to say, Asa was a good person for the dog to be named after. I have to commend Asa for turning Judah back to the one true God. Asa did something in ancient times that we need to be doing today in our own nation.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, August 13, 2010
"Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling" 2 Corinthians 5:2
The other day I was sweeping our kitchen floor because it seems to stay dirty no matter what I do. I guess with three kids and a dog it is bound to happen. As I was sweeping I looked at Bart and I said, "There won't be any dirt in Heaven." I don't know why I thought of this but it made me excited because all of the labors we do in our earthly dwelling will not be needed in our heavenly dwelling.
This verse seemed appropriate for how I was feeling sweeping up that dirty floor. I was groaning in a sense about the work I had to do, but this finishes up reaffirming that once we are in heaven there will be no more groaning!
The other day I was sweeping our kitchen floor because it seems to stay dirty no matter what I do. I guess with three kids and a dog it is bound to happen. As I was sweeping I looked at Bart and I said, "There won't be any dirt in Heaven." I don't know why I thought of this but it made me excited because all of the labors we do in our earthly dwelling will not be needed in our heavenly dwelling.
This verse seemed appropriate for how I was feeling sweeping up that dirty floor. I was groaning in a sense about the work I had to do, but this finishes up reaffirming that once we are in heaven there will be no more groaning!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"My times are in your hands" Psalm 31:15
I was thinking about time for some reason tonight. I guess God just put it on my heart. Time is such a focus and controlling factor of our lives. There are days when I have time on my side and other days where time is running against me. For the most part I feel like there are not enough hours in the day. Children make time seem to go by even faster for some reason. (I have yet to understand that one and I will probably be out of time when I do!)
However, there is one unique facet to the concept of time: God gives us each the same amount of hours and minutes to each day. Some people in life may seem to have more possessions, talents or privileges, but we are all equally given the same amount of time to each day. Time is a gift from God because we never know how long we are going to have on this earth. This concept and verse from the Psalms makes me even more careful about how I choose to delegate the time God has given me. I want my time and my life to be in service to Him.
Have a Terrific Thursday!
P.S. Check out my new pics and the video I posted yesterday of the kids!
I was thinking about time for some reason tonight. I guess God just put it on my heart. Time is such a focus and controlling factor of our lives. There are days when I have time on my side and other days where time is running against me. For the most part I feel like there are not enough hours in the day. Children make time seem to go by even faster for some reason. (I have yet to understand that one and I will probably be out of time when I do!)
However, there is one unique facet to the concept of time: God gives us each the same amount of hours and minutes to each day. Some people in life may seem to have more possessions, talents or privileges, but we are all equally given the same amount of time to each day. Time is a gift from God because we never know how long we are going to have on this earth. This concept and verse from the Psalms makes me even more careful about how I choose to delegate the time God has given me. I want my time and my life to be in service to Him.
Have a Terrific Thursday!
P.S. Check out my new pics and the video I posted yesterday of the kids!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Olivia's Little Video
I took this video this morning! Please make sure you read my post below so you will understand just how exciting this is for us! ~ Janice
"Be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2
Patience is something that I have to work on frequently. I think that I am a patient person most of the time, but then there are situations where I am not so patient. Most of you know that Olivia recently got a gait trainer from her physical therapist. The gait trainer is designed to teach her how to walk. We have had the gait trainer for three weeks now and I have been very impatient for Olivia to learn how to use it. When we put her in it she usually just stands there and may shuffle around a bit. This was driving me crazy because no matter what I tried Olivia did not want to walk in this thing! I even told one of my best friends Katie this morning that I put the gait trainer in the garage because I was mad at it! Ha!
Well, needless to say I got the gait trainer back out today and put Olivia in it while I was cooking dinner. The next thing I knew she was standing next to me... She had just walked across the room in her gait trainer to stand by me. We clapped and cheered and then she just took off! You would have thought that she had been using that thing for months the way she was running in it.
I guess that I am not mad at the gait trainer anymore and it doesn't have to sit in the garage. As a parent I want my kids to be successful in what they do. When Olivia did not have instant success I was discouraged and became impatient. I think that the best way to handle these feelings is to turn them over to God in prayer because our feelings don't usually go away, but God can help us handle them.
P.S. The pink gait trainer will be arriving soon! Oh, how cute will that be!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
7 Years!
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Genesis 2:24
Yesterday was mine & Bart's seventh wedding anniversary. The years have flown by since the time we were married. Seven years and three kids later, we still love each other like the day we married! For that I am so thankful.
The verse above always makes me think of a wedding. I would guess that almost every Christian wedding ceremony has this verse in it somewhere. I think we hear this verse so much that we kind of become desensitized to its importance. We hear this and think, "white dress, black tux, cake, rings, happily ever after" but it is so much more than that.
This verse shows us the sanctity of the bond that marriage creates. Looking at this verse with a fresh perspective helps that importance shine.
Have a terrific Tuesday!
Yesterday was mine & Bart's seventh wedding anniversary. The years have flown by since the time we were married. Seven years and three kids later, we still love each other like the day we married! For that I am so thankful.
The verse above always makes me think of a wedding. I would guess that almost every Christian wedding ceremony has this verse in it somewhere. I think we hear this verse so much that we kind of become desensitized to its importance. We hear this and think, "white dress, black tux, cake, rings, happily ever after" but it is so much more than that.
This verse shows us the sanctity of the bond that marriage creates. Looking at this verse with a fresh perspective helps that importance shine.
Have a terrific Tuesday!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sweet Steps
"Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 106:1

I have a special story to share with you this morning. Last night Julia took her first two little baby steps!!! Bart was holding her up and let go of her really quick and she toddled two little steps into his arms. I am so glad we both got to see it and Bart's parents were there to watch her too! When I think back to when Julia and Olivia were born it seems like it was yesterday, but then it also seems like forever ago. Julia and Olivia were so premature and weak upon their birth. I remember looking at their legs when they were in their isolettes in the NICU and thinking, "I cannot even picture how they would look as big babies." The skin hung on their little bodies and they had every tube imaginable hooked to them.
It pains me to even remember how bad it was, but it also makes me so thankful that the Lord has spared their lives and given them such a remarkable testimony. In March of 2009 Bart and I stood and watched nurses resuscitate Julia when she was so sick. They manually bagged air into her lungs and kept shaking her to keep her with us. Now today to watch her take two little steps after 8 months of physical therapy is a miracle that shows just how loving and powerful God is.
Bart and I know that so many of you have prayed for our girls and we thank you so much. So join me this morning in praising the Lord for how good and loving He is!
Leave a comment of any other praises you can think of this morning so we can all share together!
I have a special story to share with you this morning. Last night Julia took her first two little baby steps!!! Bart was holding her up and let go of her really quick and she toddled two little steps into his arms. I am so glad we both got to see it and Bart's parents were there to watch her too! When I think back to when Julia and Olivia were born it seems like it was yesterday, but then it also seems like forever ago. Julia and Olivia were so premature and weak upon their birth. I remember looking at their legs when they were in their isolettes in the NICU and thinking, "I cannot even picture how they would look as big babies." The skin hung on their little bodies and they had every tube imaginable hooked to them.
It pains me to even remember how bad it was, but it also makes me so thankful that the Lord has spared their lives and given them such a remarkable testimony. In March of 2009 Bart and I stood and watched nurses resuscitate Julia when she was so sick. They manually bagged air into her lungs and kept shaking her to keep her with us. Now today to watch her take two little steps after 8 months of physical therapy is a miracle that shows just how loving and powerful God is.
Bart and I know that so many of you have prayed for our girls and we thank you so much. So join me this morning in praising the Lord for how good and loving He is!
Leave a comment of any other praises you can think of this morning so we can all share together!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
How Far
"As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." Psalm 103:12
Have you ever wondered how far the east is from the west? I became familiar with this verse a few years ago when I heard a song that mentioned God forgiving our sins and removing them as far as the east is from the west. My thoughts are that this is an immeasurable distance. No human could ever measure how far the east is from the west because it is impossible.
This verse shows us that God does the impossible by removing our sins from us so far that we are no longer associated with them. All we have to do is ask for God's forgiveness, and upon receiving that forgiveness those sins are no more.
Isn't that great!
Have you ever wondered how far the east is from the west? I became familiar with this verse a few years ago when I heard a song that mentioned God forgiving our sins and removing them as far as the east is from the west. My thoughts are that this is an immeasurable distance. No human could ever measure how far the east is from the west because it is impossible.
This verse shows us that God does the impossible by removing our sins from us so far that we are no longer associated with them. All we have to do is ask for God's forgiveness, and upon receiving that forgiveness those sins are no more.
Isn't that great!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
"Wait for the Lord" Psalm 27:14
Well that seems pretty direct doesn't it. I don't think there is any question what God is wanting us to do in this verse. I think that waiting on the Lord is one of the greatest tests of faith that we experience. The world around us is so fast paced and instantaneous. We are not used to waiting on things. Maybe it was easier to wait on the Lord a few hundred years ago when technology was nonexistent, but I doubt it. Human nature is impatient and often demanding. God uses times in our lives where we have to wait to make our faith stronger and teach us endurance.
One thing that I can say for sure is that the reward from God is so much greater when you have waited obediently and trusted in Him. Taking matters into our own hands and trying to speed up the process only messes things up!
Well that seems pretty direct doesn't it. I don't think there is any question what God is wanting us to do in this verse. I think that waiting on the Lord is one of the greatest tests of faith that we experience. The world around us is so fast paced and instantaneous. We are not used to waiting on things. Maybe it was easier to wait on the Lord a few hundred years ago when technology was nonexistent, but I doubt it. Human nature is impatient and often demanding. God uses times in our lives where we have to wait to make our faith stronger and teach us endurance.
One thing that I can say for sure is that the reward from God is so much greater when you have waited obediently and trusted in Him. Taking matters into our own hands and trying to speed up the process only messes things up!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Seventy Times Seven
"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times? Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven times'" Matthew 18:21-22
It is no wonder Jesus chose Peter to be a disciple. God knew that Peter would ask all of the crazy questions that we would all want to know the answers to. I know that Peter genuinely wanted to know the answer because he asked Jesus himself. Peter wanted to model his own ability to forgive after God's ability. Of course, no one can forgive like God can, removing sin as far as the east is from the west. However, we need to try to show that kind of forgiveness to those who hurt us or wrong us. The biggest lesson from this verse is that you have to continue to forgive just like God forgives us.
Fun Fun It's Friday!
It is no wonder Jesus chose Peter to be a disciple. God knew that Peter would ask all of the crazy questions that we would all want to know the answers to. I know that Peter genuinely wanted to know the answer because he asked Jesus himself. Peter wanted to model his own ability to forgive after God's ability. Of course, no one can forgive like God can, removing sin as far as the east is from the west. However, we need to try to show that kind of forgiveness to those who hurt us or wrong us. The biggest lesson from this verse is that you have to continue to forgive just like God forgives us.
Fun Fun It's Friday!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Mercy Over & Over
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." 1 John 1:7
Yesterday I mentioned that Revival started at our church tonight. We just got home from church and it was a wonderful start to our month of Revival on Wednesday nights. The speaker tonight spoke about sin and how we are all capable of sin, we know the consequences of sin, and we know that Jesus can cleanse us of our sin. This verse promises that we can receive forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. But the interesting part about this verse is that God will grant us forgiveness over and over and over because His mercy is so great. (Now, that is not to say that we need to habitually sin just because we can ask for forgiveness and get away with it. Not at all.) The biggest point to get here is that God does not get tired of forgiving us. That is what is so good. God shows us mercy over and over and He loves us the whole time.
I think that our human nature makes this hard to understand because I would struggle with forgiving someone over and over and over. I known that is what God wants me to do, but it would still be something I would have to work on. God doesn't have to work on loving us and forgiving us. If we ask Him, He is more than happy to extend His love and forgiveness to us.
Thursday looks pretty hot! Stay cool!
Yesterday I mentioned that Revival started at our church tonight. We just got home from church and it was a wonderful start to our month of Revival on Wednesday nights. The speaker tonight spoke about sin and how we are all capable of sin, we know the consequences of sin, and we know that Jesus can cleanse us of our sin. This verse promises that we can receive forgiveness through the blood of Jesus. But the interesting part about this verse is that God will grant us forgiveness over and over and over because His mercy is so great. (Now, that is not to say that we need to habitually sin just because we can ask for forgiveness and get away with it. Not at all.) The biggest point to get here is that God does not get tired of forgiving us. That is what is so good. God shows us mercy over and over and He loves us the whole time.
I think that our human nature makes this hard to understand because I would struggle with forgiving someone over and over and over. I known that is what God wants me to do, but it would still be something I would have to work on. God doesn't have to work on loving us and forgiving us. If we ask Him, He is more than happy to extend His love and forgiveness to us.
Thursday looks pretty hot! Stay cool!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Our Motto
"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
We have a magnet on our refrigerator that has this verse written on it. There seems to be some connection with stuff that is on your refrigerator and its level of importance in your life. When I look at all the stuff on my fridge it either has emotional importance or practical importance to our lives. Some of Luke's papers he has colored are hanging on the fridge (emotional importance). Pictures of family and friends hang on our fridge (emotional importance). Papers for doctor's appointments and the girls' medical documents are on the fridge (practical importance). The list goes on and on. I sometimes forget my fridge is white because of all the stuff we have hanging on it!
In the midst of all that stuff at eye level I have our little magnet that says this verse. It is a reminder as much as it is a declaration.
I once read a study that said you could tell a lot about a person's life and personality by looking at what was inside their refrigerator. This makes me think about the statement, "We are what we eat"! How true! Well, I want to take it one step further and say that the outside of our fridge speaks volumes about us as well. But hanging something on my fridge is just the start, it really only becomes reality until it is written on my heart!
Make Wednesday Wonderful! Our church's revival starts tonight and we are soooo excited! Please pray for this special time in our church.
We have a magnet on our refrigerator that has this verse written on it. There seems to be some connection with stuff that is on your refrigerator and its level of importance in your life. When I look at all the stuff on my fridge it either has emotional importance or practical importance to our lives. Some of Luke's papers he has colored are hanging on the fridge (emotional importance). Pictures of family and friends hang on our fridge (emotional importance). Papers for doctor's appointments and the girls' medical documents are on the fridge (practical importance). The list goes on and on. I sometimes forget my fridge is white because of all the stuff we have hanging on it!
In the midst of all that stuff at eye level I have our little magnet that says this verse. It is a reminder as much as it is a declaration.
I once read a study that said you could tell a lot about a person's life and personality by looking at what was inside their refrigerator. This makes me think about the statement, "We are what we eat"! How true! Well, I want to take it one step further and say that the outside of our fridge speaks volumes about us as well. But hanging something on my fridge is just the start, it really only becomes reality until it is written on my heart!
Make Wednesday Wonderful! Our church's revival starts tonight and we are soooo excited! Please pray for this special time in our church.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Lacking Wisdom?
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5
This verse is very encouraging because it tells us that we are going to experience times where we don't know what to do. Everyone has times where they are at a loss for what decision they should make or what they should do about something. The great thing here is that we can ask God for his wisdom. God is going to happily give us his wisdom without pointing out everything that is wrong with us and giving us a hundred reasons why we don't deserve it.
There have been times in the past when I didn't seek God's wisdom because I felt unworthy of it. After studying this verse and hearing it taught on numerous occasions I now know that feeling is extremely false. God wants to help us and he does it in a kind and loving way. The knowledge that this verse provides is power because it gives us the ability to ask God for whatever wisdom we may need!
Have a terrific Tuesday!
This verse is very encouraging because it tells us that we are going to experience times where we don't know what to do. Everyone has times where they are at a loss for what decision they should make or what they should do about something. The great thing here is that we can ask God for his wisdom. God is going to happily give us his wisdom without pointing out everything that is wrong with us and giving us a hundred reasons why we don't deserve it.
There have been times in the past when I didn't seek God's wisdom because I felt unworthy of it. After studying this verse and hearing it taught on numerous occasions I now know that feeling is extremely false. God wants to help us and he does it in a kind and loving way. The knowledge that this verse provides is power because it gives us the ability to ask God for whatever wisdom we may need!
Have a terrific Tuesday!
The Unlikely
"Think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise" 1 Corinthians 1:26-27
When the world wants to choose representatives and leaders it chooses people who are sometimes well educated, well known, well spoken, well versed, wealthy or well represented. However, God does not operate in that way. He chooses people that we would never have chosen to be leaders for His work on earth.
Take a look at Simon Peter for instance. He was a rough fisherman who was outspoken and uneducated and Jesus chose him to be one of his disciples. Most people would have thought that Jesus would have gone to the temple to find a disciple. Instead Jesus found Peter and knew that his heart was right for the work He had planned for him. This is a perfect example of how God chooses the unlikely and makes them into wonderful men and women of God when the world would have never given them a chance.
Now lets look at Moses. God came to Moses and told him to go tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Moses told God that he was not well spoken and could not do it but that didn't stop God. God knew Moses was the one to lead his people out of Israel so he gave him Aaron to be his spokesperson with Pharaoh. I would probably guess that if I were Moses' wife I would think, "Oh dear! I can't believe God picked Moses because he doesn't like to talk in front of people!"
Yet another example of how God uses the unlikely to confound the wise of the world.
In the verse that is mentioned above Paul is telling the people he is teaching that even though they may not feel like they have the right qualifications for being teachers of Christianity; God has ordained them with this responsibility. When God gives people the wisdom and ability to carry out his work, that is really all they need.
Start your week off praising Him!
When the world wants to choose representatives and leaders it chooses people who are sometimes well educated, well known, well spoken, well versed, wealthy or well represented. However, God does not operate in that way. He chooses people that we would never have chosen to be leaders for His work on earth.
Take a look at Simon Peter for instance. He was a rough fisherman who was outspoken and uneducated and Jesus chose him to be one of his disciples. Most people would have thought that Jesus would have gone to the temple to find a disciple. Instead Jesus found Peter and knew that his heart was right for the work He had planned for him. This is a perfect example of how God chooses the unlikely and makes them into wonderful men and women of God when the world would have never given them a chance.
Now lets look at Moses. God came to Moses and told him to go tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Moses told God that he was not well spoken and could not do it but that didn't stop God. God knew Moses was the one to lead his people out of Israel so he gave him Aaron to be his spokesperson with Pharaoh. I would probably guess that if I were Moses' wife I would think, "Oh dear! I can't believe God picked Moses because he doesn't like to talk in front of people!"
Yet another example of how God uses the unlikely to confound the wise of the world.
In the verse that is mentioned above Paul is telling the people he is teaching that even though they may not feel like they have the right qualifications for being teachers of Christianity; God has ordained them with this responsibility. When God gives people the wisdom and ability to carry out his work, that is really all they need.
Start your week off praising Him!
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