"God saw all that He had made, and it was very good" Genesis 1:31
Genesis is all about the beginning. The first verse starts off saying, "In the beginning God..." Genesis 1:1. Then it follows by giving a list of all the wondrous things God created. At the close of the sixth day of God's creation it speaks of God taking time to look at all He had created. God was pleased because his creation reflected the goodness of God himself. God is good. That is His very essence and being. Anything from God is good. It is funny how in the English language the word "good" is only one "O" too many from being the word God. That is pretty amazing when you consider that God is very literally good.
Have you ever had a moment when you told God how good he is? I have had times when I would be doing something and I could see God working out something for my good. That is when I just giggle to myself and say, "God you are so good!" It cracks me up when I see God being good to me in very simple ways. Like when I go to the store needing a new pack of sippy cups (which are expensive for some reason) and I find two sippy cups exactly alike in the clearance bin that cost me next to nothing. God knew I needed two for my twins and He also knew that I like for them to match. And God really knew that I didn't want to spend a lot for them, so He had them right there waiting for me in the clearance bin.
Many times we don't recognize these times of God's goodness in our lives. I am sure that I have overlooked many times myself. We all need to be watching for these acts of goodness God bestows upon us because they encourage us and strengthen our relationship with Him. So, make an extra effort to find the goodness of God in everything you see. You won't have to look very hard.
Quick side note here:
I have noticed that our society has become really big on this whole OMG thing. (If you don't know what it means it is using God's name in an unholy way.) Some of you may disagree with me on this one, but I am sorry. It grieves me to hear people say this phrase and what grieves me even more is that my two year old son said it the other day. I nearly fainted! Once I came back to my senses I corrected him and said that we don't say "Oh my (you know)", we say "Oh my goodness." I have no idea where Luke heard this spoken, but once the two year olds in our lives are walking around saying these things, it is an even bigger problem. Please join me in praying that people will stop throwing God's name around so flippantly and disrespectfully.
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