"Think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise" 1 Corinthians 1:26-27
When the world wants to choose representatives and leaders it chooses people who are sometimes well educated, well known, well spoken, well versed, wealthy or well represented. However, God does not operate in that way. He chooses people that we would never have chosen to be leaders for His work on earth.
Take a look at Simon Peter for instance. He was a rough fisherman who was outspoken and uneducated and Jesus chose him to be one of his disciples. Most people would have thought that Jesus would have gone to the temple to find a disciple. Instead Jesus found Peter and knew that his heart was right for the work He had planned for him. This is a perfect example of how God chooses the unlikely and makes them into wonderful men and women of God when the world would have never given them a chance.
Now lets look at Moses. God came to Moses and told him to go tell Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Moses told God that he was not well spoken and could not do it but that didn't stop God. God knew Moses was the one to lead his people out of Israel so he gave him Aaron to be his spokesperson with Pharaoh. I would probably guess that if I were Moses' wife I would think, "Oh dear! I can't believe God picked Moses because he doesn't like to talk in front of people!"
Yet another example of how God uses the unlikely to confound the wise of the world.
In the verse that is mentioned above Paul is telling the people he is teaching that even though they may not feel like they have the right qualifications for being teachers of Christianity; God has ordained them with this responsibility. When God gives people the wisdom and ability to carry out his work, that is really all they need.
Start your week off praising Him!
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