"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" Psalm 33:12
Our nation was founded on Christian principles and by Christian leaders. Election time in our country usually stirs up feelings from the left, right and everywhere in between, and it rightfully should. Maintaining our Christian heritage is a fight worth fighting.
Have you noticed that our nation doesn't seem as blessed as it used to be? The U.S. is struggling financially, people are losing their jobs and homes, and there is just an air of discontent because people are tired of struggling.
Well, I can put two and two together and get four just like I know that you can. A nation cannot turn its back on its Christian foundation and expect to get the blessing. The blessing is promised when the Lord is God of the nation. This means that people and leaders serve the Lord, worship Him, look to Him for guidance, and devote all prosperity and praise to His kingdom.
I have added a web link to my list of favorite sites. It is called Vision America. Check out this link because it expands immensely on this topic. Vision America is encouraging Christians to vote. Voting is so easy, yet so many do not use their vote. November 2nd is coming upon us quickly and we all need to use our vote that day!
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