"When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses." Jeremiah 51:16
It stormed at our house last night. When I was a child I was very scared of thunderstorms. Thunder and lightning would cause me to freeze in fear. I am thankful that I have overcome that fear, but intense storms still rattle me a bit.
Now that I am older, when a storm makes me nervous, it is because of a reverential fear of Almighty God who has created the storm. Sometimes it sounds like God is unleashing his wrath on the world when it storms so loudly! God is in control of the weather and I think that the weather is an excellent example of the power that God has over men.
People get caught up in their day-to-day lives that they forget how powerful God is. This has happened to me at times in my life when I got busy with kids, responsibilities, work, family, friends, or anything else that requires my time and attention. Sometimes it takes that one storm to watch God light up the night sky with streaks of lightning, and the thunder to boom as if God were speaking to us directly to make us stop and remember just how powerless we are. That is when we say, "God, You are so great and mighty! Thank You for being my Lord!"
I have included a music video called "Light Up the Sky" by a group called The Afters. They are a Christian music group and I absolutely love this song. Listen to it and let me know what you think!
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