Monday, August 23, 2010

Joyful, Joyful

Joy is the second fruit of the Spirit that we are focusing on during our Nine Days of Fruit!

"I will be joyful in God my Savior." Habakkuk 3:18

Just prior to this verse in Habakkuk there are quite a few adversities that are listed that the people are experiencing. After the list of troubles the writer finishes up by saying that no matter what they are facing they are going to be joyful in God. This was a great attitude to have during a time of trouble. However, joy is not the default attitude that we gravitate towards when things are not going our way.
Joy is one of those fruits that you have to choose to operate in. Sometimes we experience joy because of our circumstances, but this is such an unpredictable way to have joy in our lives. When the Holy Spirit has filled us with the fruit of joy we must decide to experience that joy no matter what our circumstances are. If you cannot find joy in anything else, let you focus be on the fact that when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are forgiven of your sins and will spend eternity in heaven with Him. That alone is the greatest source of joy.
But even born-again Christians lose sight of this joy their salvation brings and let life steal the joy that the Holy Spirit has given to them. We have to make a conscious decision to focus on the joy Jesus died to give us and pass that same joy to others.

Have a great week and get joyful!

1 comment:

  1. Life can and does steal the joy,thats a great thing to be aware of and be reminded of! Thanks
