Wednesday, August 11, 2010


"Be patient, bearing with one another in love." Ephesians 4:2

Patience is something that I have to work on frequently. I think that I am a patient person most of the time, but then there are situations where I am not so patient. Most of you know that Olivia recently got a gait trainer from her physical therapist. The gait trainer is designed to teach her how to walk. We have had the gait trainer for three weeks now and I have been very impatient for Olivia to learn how to use it. When we put her in it she usually just stands there and may shuffle around a bit. This was driving me crazy because no matter what I tried Olivia did not want to walk in this thing! I even told one of my best friends Katie this morning that I put the gait trainer in the garage because I was mad at it! Ha!

Well, needless to say I got the gait trainer back out today and put Olivia in it while I was cooking dinner. The next thing I knew she was standing next to me... She had just walked across the room in her gait trainer to stand by me. We clapped and cheered and then she just took off! You would have thought that she had been using that thing for months the way she was running in it.

I guess that I am not mad at the gait trainer anymore and it doesn't have to sit in the garage. As a parent I want my kids to be successful in what they do. When Olivia did not have instant success I was discouraged and became impatient. I think that the best way to handle these feelings is to turn them over to God in prayer because our feelings don't usually go away, but God can help us handle them.

P.S. The pink gait trainer will be arriving soon! Oh, how cute will that be!

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