Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I did something the other night that I never do. As I was standing outside with my dog at 10 o'clock I looked up at the stars. (Just in case you are wondering my dog was using the restroom, I don't usually stand outside at night!)

I am not the type of person that gets all mushy gushy about the stars. I guess you could say that I am not a "lay out under the stars" kind of girl. But as I was looking up I realized that I should get excited about the stars because they are God's creation.

When Jonah was fleeing from the Lord he got on a boat with some sailors headed for Tarshish when he should have been going to Nineveh. The Lord sent a violent storm because of Jonah's disobedience. The other sailors were scared to death because of the storm. They figured out that Jonah was the reason for the calamity and questioned him about who he was. This is what Jonah said: "I am a Hebrew and I worship the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land."

Even though Jonah was rejecting God's will at this point, he still knew the power and majesty of the God he served. Jonah didn't simply say that he worships the Lord who is the God of heaven. He went further than that to say God is responsible for creating everything we see around us. Jonah knew that God's creation should be praised and acknowledged.

Let's not look at the stars and forget to stand in awe of God's creation.

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